Anita Ingram Endowed Scholarships

Anita Ingram Endowed Scholarships

A conversation with Michael Ingram.

Why did you choose to create a scholarship at Auburn University?
My education at Auburn, particularly in engineering, science and mathematics, has been fundamental to my successful career. I am compelled to return back something, and to help those younger that will follow.

What would you want the recipients of this scholarship to know about the person for whom it is named?
I named the scholarship after my mother, because, as I’m sure it is for many recipients, she was the central inspiration in my life. Because she didn’t have the benefits of education, she had a greater appreciation of its value.

Tell us about your Auburn story, favorite tradition, a “War Eagle!” moment, or what Auburn has meant to you.
I grew up in an University of Alabama home, in an University of Alabama county. I was awarded a University of Alabama scholarship. But, when I attended Engineer’s Day and experienced Auburn—the people, the facilities—I knew where I belonged.

What do you hope your recipients gain through this scholarship?
I hope recipients gain a little less stress because of the financial relief.
